The project is designed to foster university cooperation in technology transfer and intellectual property. Åpenhet contributes to the project through supporting in research and data visualisation.
Clients: EEA Grants
Year: 2021
Project Background
The project aims at strengthening bilateral cooperation between Norway and the Czech Republic in technology transfer in universities. It will provide valuable opportunity to share expertise in knowledge and technology transfer and foster the development of joint educational modules of intellectual property and education of knowledge and technology transfer as an infrastructure for the large community. Knowledge and technology transfer (TT) between research institutions and enterprises significantly supports the development of innovation and thus contributes to the competitiveness of companies and regions. However, this process does not happen automatically, and therefore systematic support is needed.
Through research on each country's technology transfer ecosystem, improvement of intellectual property protection and technology transfer curricula for students and organization of bilateral events, the project will foster cooperation between technology transfer centres of both universities and scientists from both countries, improve cross-border access, knowledge and technology interconnection with R&D institutions and increase the likelihood of specific research cooperation involving start-up and spin-off companies and the scientific community.
Project News
International conference - Hradec Economic Days 2023
This year's international conference Hradec Economic Days, which took place from 13 to 14 April 2023, also included a technology transfer section co-provided by the USB Technology Transfer Office. This year, it was also a conference supported by the Education of the EEA Grants 2014 - 2021 program. Norwegian-Czech project "Development of the third role of universities; Technology Transfer to Support Innovation" is focused on innovative teaching materials for the subject Intellectual Property Protection and this conference served excellently for drawing further inspiration, but especially for disseminating the achieved results and outputs of the project.
Konference HED 2023 - JCTT
Norway Grants – workshop
Workshop for presentation and promotion of the main outputs of the project EEA-CZ-ICP-3-010 Development of the third role of universities; The technology transfer to support innovation took place in the meantime as part of the Hradec Economic Days 2023 conference. Our "project corner" was visited by students and other interested parties.
The area of intellectual property protection and subsequent technology transfer and application of innovative technologies is interesting for students and great interest was recorded in the field of industrial property protection of inventions and related issues.
Norské fondy - Workshop - JCTT
Peer-Learning Activity – Norway Grants
Another activity of the project EEP-CZ-ICP-3-010 Development of the third role of the university; The technology transfer to support peer-learning innovations was launched for 2023 with a visit of Norwegian project partners to the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. The date of this Peer-learning activity was from 10 to 14 April 2023, while the last two days of peer-learning were followed by the Hradec Economic Days 2023 conference. The program of this third Peer-learning activity was busy and brought a lot of information, knowledge, skills and new experience. Both project partners exchanged information and knowledge regarding the common topic and outputs of the project, which is the innovated syllabus for the subject Intellectual Property Protection at USB. The experience of the foreign partner is very beneficial because of the different approach and view of intellectual property and the transfer of know-how and technologies. USB had the opportunity to present several cases of "best practice" where the transfer of know-how is very good. These were unique recipes for freshwater fish species and then the field of pharmacy, specifically the establishment of a spin-off company JU for the development of drugs in the field of oncology.
This will be followed by the last activity of this type in this project, when USB representatives will visit the Norwegian partner in June 2023.
Peer-learning aktivita v rámci Norských fondů - JCTT
Peer-Learning Activity – Norway Grants
The last of four Peer-learning activities within the project EHP-CZ-ICP-3-010 Development of the third role of the university; The transfer of technologies for the support of innovation took place on June 19 - 23, 2023 at the location of the Norwegian partner, in Oslo.
The program of this Peer-learning activity was full of interesting excursions, discussions and mutual exchange of experiences and skills. The delegation of the University of South Bohemia also looked outside of Oslo, namely at the Ard Innovation Center in the city of Ås.
Also on the agenda was a visit to the Science and Technology Park of the University of Oslo, where project partners were introduced to the complex activities of this successful and busy incubator focused on innovations in medicine.
A number of topics from the field of knowledge and technology transfer were discussed. The information obtained will fundamentally help to fulfill the outputs of this project.
Peer-learning 2023 - Norsko - JCTT