Safe and Inclusive Border Between Slovakia and Ukraine

Åpenhet provides support in research, training and visualisation of data to contribute to making the Slovak - Ukrainian border safe, inclusive and cooperative.

Clients: EEA Grants

Year: 2021

Project Background

Ukraine is, since 2017, part of the European Single Market through the DCFTA and is preparing to apply for EU membership. The work of Slovak and Ukrainian customs and border police is impacted by such changes. Through different trainings and research, the project facilitates transfer of knowledge and best practices for integrated border management.

Åpenhet fed the research with insights and data from Norway’s experience, provided methodological advice on data collection and is developing a tool to visualise citizen perceptions. We also contribute to the production of visually effective training material through factsheets, manage several aspects of the project and took a leading role in fostering cooperation between partners.

A compilation of studies will be published, featuring insights and data from Norway, as well as visualisations from the perception survey. 12 factsheets will be produced and included in the training material. Several activities are organised to encourage cooperation and team- building between Ukrainian and Slovak border police and customs.