This project contributes to consolidating children's education and creating equal opportunities in education for pupils with disabilities. Åpenhet contributes by offering Croatian teachers job shadowing opportunities in Norway, by linking both countries' practitioners, facilitating their dialogue and allowing for best practices to emerge from transnational exchanges of experience. Besides, Åpenhet is designing and creating a STEM library, allowing innovative STEM teaching materials to be shared across the country and easing other schools' transition to STEM education.
Clients: EEA Grants
Year: 2022
Project Background
The STEMfluencer project aims at advancing STEM education in Croatia, more particularly in three schools of Zagreb. This comprehensive project will notably modernize STEM classrooms and equipment in these schools, strengthen the capacities and STEM skills of teachers and develop a large STEM library, with innovative teaching materials that will be available to all schools at the national level after the project. The project will allow these schools to implement classic STEM teaching but also innovative extracurricula activities, particularly in the fields of biology, physics and chemistry, while keeping a specific focus on children with special needs, whose needs and inclusion are at the core of the project.